Car Key Replacement Boca Raton

car key replacement-Boca Raton
Car Key Replacement Boca Raton: This service is very important to have because you can’t believe how many people lose their keys to their car. There are many scenarios that can also happen like if your car got stolen and you get it back. Many people want to change ignition key and sometimes the door key. We will go over the process to get service and options you might have.
First thing if you lose your keys is just call us at A Lenny Locksmith Boca Raton. We will dispatch a tech who will call you and come right over and make the key. The good thing is that our trucks keep all keys, fobs and smart keys available on site. So we can do the car key replacement and even program the key, fob or smart key. We have all types of programmers so we can handle almost every type of job.
Next question a lot of people have is how long will this all take. Usually when you call us it takes 25-45 minutes realistic to get to you. A Lenny Locksmith Boca Raton has many techs all over the Boca raton area. When the tech gets there to do the car key replacement it can take 10 minutes to about worst case about 45 minutes. Thats only cause of programming for very few can take a little while.
If there is a ignition problem we usually fix it but if its totally broken we can just replace it with a new ignition. Sometimes if we don’t have it in stock we can always run over to auto zone or advanced auto to get one. We never want to leave you stranded so we will do what ever it takes to have great customer service.
A Len Locksmith Boca Raton techs have plenty of experience many have 25-30 years. We are happy to provide our service and we are open 24 hours a day. Call us anytime we are here for you. Check out our Google Map.